Eggs and bacon

Marriage is a gift.  But, those who are married will agree, marriage is hard work.  The world teaches us to look out for numero uno.  Marriage is a daily, sometimes hourly, reminder of the importance of servanthood, forgiveness, and selfless love (just to name a few).  I recently heard a minister say, “Marriage is not a contract, it’s a covenant.”  That line caught my attention so I paused my DVR, wrote it down, and did a little digging.  Contracts are built, mostly, on a mutual distrust of two or more parties and is legally binding in many cases.  It outlines the expectations of all parties involved, sets a time period for certain transactions to take place and/or expectations to be met.  To get out of a contract one must find a loophole or go through the arduous process, usually with consequences involved, of having the contract rescinded.  A covenant is similar but is a lifelong commitment.  If may seem comical but, a commitment can be best explained by comparing the chicken and the pig when it comes to providing you with breakfast……eggs and bacon.  The chicken provides you with the eggs with little work involved.  For a pig to provide you bacon… THAT’S a commitment.  The pig can’t just be half in.  It doesn’t work that way.  It takes total sacrifice.

Our walk with Christ requires commitment.  What does He see when He looks at us?  Does He see someone living a Christ-centered life, or do we fall into the “fling” category.  A commitment isn’t convenient.  It’s hard work.  It requires constant care mixed with some blood, sweat, and tears.  Though we haven’t gotten married, per se, we’re still in the betrothal period with our Groom.  We’re preparing ourselves for the moment He returns for us, His bride– and He’s picky about the type of bride He’s coming for.  Ephesians 5:25 reminds us, Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”  It’s time for His bride, the church, to clean up our act.  We’ve prostituted ourselves out to the things of this world for too long.  When we could have been spending intimate moments with our Maker, we skipped out and went on a date with someone else because it seemed like it would be more fun.  Are you prostituting yourself?  Are you just a fling?  Or are you fully committed?  I challenge us all to prove it!  Talk is cheap.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  As we get closer to His Second Coming, it is going to become harder and harder to choose God.  There are so many things out there sent to steal our focus.  I encourage you to become purposeful in the pursuit of your Groom.  Relationships require lifelong commitment; they require a covenant.  Not someone looking for a loophole.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

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