Get to steppin’!

Year ago I saw a movie titled Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Though I’ve seen quite a few of the movies in the franchise, this one was one of my favorites because of the Christian undertones.  There was one particular scene I enjoyed the most.  It was when Indiana Jones was poised to cross a bridge he referred to in the movie as the Path of God.  The crazy thing was it looked like there was nothing there but a broad expansive canyon waiting to claim his life.  It was necessary for Indiana to get across.  Life and death literally hung in the balance as his father was poised to die from a severe wound that could only be remedied by Indiana’s crossing to the other side to retrieve what was needed to treat him.  After a minute or so of what looked like he was having a mild asthma or panic attack, he closed his eyes and took the first step into the expanse.  His foot hit solid ground, he opened his eyes, and he smiled.  At that point he changed his perspective and leaned a little to the side.  From a different perspective he could see there was a narrow bridge there that blended with the canyon and was invisible to the naked eye.  By the end of the movie, he saves the day…again…everybody lives happily ever after.  Well, until the next movie came along and someone else needed to be rescued.

Your faith is the bridge that will get you from where you currently are to the place of promise God has for you.  Just because you can’t see that invisible bridge doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  The miracle is in the unseen yet solid ground where you place your foot every step of the way.  The goal isn’t to look around you or under you as we all know there’s nothing there but an abyss of fear and doubt.  The goal is to keep your eyes looking forward. Better yet, keep your eyes looking upward as God is your map every step of the way.  Matthew 14 reminds us of a story that required similar steps of faith.  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  “Come,” he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”  [vs. 28-29] Talk about the miraculous!  If Peter had allowed his logic to dictate his actions he would have stayed in the boat.  Seems the safest place for someone who doesn’t have fins and gills.  Yet, he chose to step out blindly and relied on his confidence in Jesus.  The fear around you is a falsity placed there by the enemy to cause you to turn back.  It’s there to prevent you from reaching your place of promise.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  The first step will always be the hardest as it can feel like you’re crossing a minefield blindfolded.  Keep moving forward.  With every step, your confidence in the One leading you will increase as you watch Him maneuver you in directions you don’t anticipate.  The first step is the beginning of an adventure in faith walking.  Your faith is like a muscle that will only grow as it is stretched and used.  You can’t expect to experience the miracle if you don’t take the first step.  Get to steppin’!!!!!

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