3 lessons God taught me on ‘Snow Days’….


It’s my favorite day of the year!!  It’s a snow day!!  As a child (and even now as an adult) I would beg God to send us snow every winter.  It only seemed natural for it to accompany colder temperatures.  What made snow days so magical?  The obvious, of course, those beautiful flakes that we only get to see a few times a year.  Next, there’s unplanned hibernation in the form of school closings and businesses shutting down.  For me, I simply found it was a momentary escape from reality.  Through the snow days I’ve experienced over the years I’m reminded of three valuable lessons I wanted to share.

  1. Sometimes you need a day off. The Bible says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” [Ex. 20:8]. Here’s one I believe a lot of people get it partially wrong. Many equate the “Sabbath” as Sunday, or that day you attend worship services. While this is one of the meanings, a Sabbath is also considered a day of rest. God understood the importance of a day of rest thus the commandment above was given.  Even God took a day off after creating the world. It’s the same in our daily lives. It’s imperative we set aside ‘snow days’ or ‘Sabbath’s’ to get our heads straight—ESPECIALLY those who are in the ministry because……………this leads me to lesson #2……..
  2. Things are never as bad as they seem. As a child, and later as a teenager, this was the time of the year everyone was preparing for end-of-the-year testing, students are attempting to bring up grades that had plummeted, and more. In short, it’s a stressful for everyone-teachers included. As an adult and music pastor my stress comes in the form of gearing up for our annual Easter service.  After all, it is one of the two biggest services we have all year. These little snow days always allow(ed) me to step back from the daily grind and breathe for a minute. When I returned to school or work I normally did so refreshed, with a new perspective, and ready to finish strong. The same is true now. I find we tend to attempt to carry burdens, stresses, and worries that are not ours to carry. Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” [Matthew 11:28-30] In the words of our latest Disney character, Queen Elsa, “Let it go….let it go…..” *You’ll be singing that the rest of the day. You’re welcome!*
  3. God’s always waiting with a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. I know, it sounds weird and somewhat comical. But hear me out. As a child I had a tendency to get in trouble on snow days. I was stuck at home, going a little stir crazy, and always ended up getting into mischief with my little brother. I remember placing prank calls, fighting (only with my brother, of course), getting myself into compromising situations, and more. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. You end up in predicaments you never intended being in. It’s okay. God’s word says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” [1 Cor. 10:13] There’s always a way of escape! It may not be comfortable or popular but there’s always a back door. Find it and RUN!!!!

I have more but I should probably go now.   My daughter will soon be singing, “Do you want to build a snowman……”  (As you can tell, I’ve been subjected to that movie a little more than any sane person should, LOL!)  What lessons did YOU learn on snow days??

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