Can I take your order?!?

Drive thru

GUEST BLOGGER, Jennifer Rhodes (my wife), is at it again!  I’m proud to present to you yet another blog she has recently written.  With your encouragement and my harassing I think we’re convincing her to start blogging on a more constant basis 😉  Keep the comments coming!!!  Without any further ado I present it to you…..

Have you ever noticed society is beginning to look like a drive thru.  Everything is so “ME” centered.  Lately, the world around us has given us permission to be self-centered and selfish.  You’re encouraged to consider…..How do I feel?  What makes ME feel good?  How did that affect ME?  We get up in the mornings thinking about how we feel–our physical state, emotions, and life circumstances.  Then we decide to give God directives for our day.  We take a trip through a spiritual drive-thru we’ve created, masking it as prayer, where we perceive God standing at the window asking, “Can I take your order?”  Seems ridiculous, doesn’t it?!?  Growing up, I do not remember people constantly discussing how they ‘felt.’  Though I’m not very old I don’t remember people dwelling on their emotions the way they do today.  Years ago we were encouraged, even demanded, at times to “Get over it!” or “Just move on!”  As a child I remember hearing my dad, on more than one occasion, saying, “Dry it up!” when I would cry over certain issues.  Though it sounds negative and harsh, it taught me to be strong, self- motivated, and learn how to deal with my emotions while moving forward.

A question has recently come to mind……what do my ‘feelings’ look like from God’s perspective?  Think about it, if we focus so much on ourselves all the time, where does faith in God and putting others needs above our own (servanthood) become a part of the way we live our lives?  If we’re being transparent we’re not capable of dealing with most issues that arise unselfishly and without screwing them up.  If we had our way we, most likely, would never deal with any negative issues that arise.  What do we learn from doing everything right all the time?  We would choose to go through life where everything was perfect never learning to lean on an all-powerful God who works all things for our good.  The Bible states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths**This is where we like to stop reading but there’s more!!!**  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.  Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase [**remember this for later**]; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”  [Prov 3:5-10 NKJV]  Truth be told, I do not desire to ‘lean on my own understanding’ because there are times that I feel nothing makes sense.  Consider yet another scripture, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  [Matt 6:26 NIV]

I want to encourage you to do something new as a part of your daily routine.  Instead of waking up complaining because something hurts, concentrating on the business of the day, or worrying how yesterday’s problem will get worse today…..just don’t.  As soon as your eyes open CHOOSE to give God your firstfruits.  NO–this is not a sermon on tithing.  Well– not entirely.  Consider this, what would happen if we gave God the first fruits of our thoughts in the mornings?  God isn’t just looking for 10% of your paycheck.  The Word says, “…the firstfruits (the first, the beginning, the best) of ALL your increase…”  He’s not a man that He should lie.  If we honor Him with our best He WILL supply our needs.  Stop basing everything on your ‘feelings’ and make the choice to place your faith in Him.  He promised it and I believe Him!  Every day I’m learning how to stretch my faith and maximize my spiritual walk in this way.  Will you?

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