Get your head back in the game.

Years ago I was talking with someone and they said something that has stuck with me all this time. He said, “Dude–life can be SO hard sometimes, but God is SO good!” He was right. Life can be down-right difficult and quite painful at times. We receive negative doctors reports, we lose a loved one we just KNEW God would heal, we lose our job or home (or both) with no prospect of how to provide for ourselves or our family. Life can be a little bit like a baseball game at times. Sometimes the pitches come right down the middle at just the right speed and our bats smack that piece of rubber-coated cork and we hit a homerun. Other times the ball looks like it’s coming straight for us and then it curves off at the last second resulting in an out-right strike. You can never know the intentions of the pitcher or catcher but be assured they are conspiring to prevent you from succeeding. The crowd around you may get loud, your senses may seem like they are on overload but we MUST keep our focus. Our hearts, minds and souls must stay fixed on what our Coach is telling us. We may not understand or agree with His methods but He wants us to succeed just as much as we want to succeed. Don’t lose focus today. If life has thrown you a curve ball, shake your frustration off and get ready to swing again. You can bet the greater the anointing you carry the greater the struggle you’ll endure. The devil isn’t going to just give you a free pass. He doesn’t want to see you reach your destiny and he’s going to pull every trick in the book to prevent such from happening. But we must choose to, “Look[ing] unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb. 12:2. Get your head back in the game today. The next pitch is coming and it’s time for you to knock it out of the park!!!!

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