Just……let go

Let go

Today’s blog is by guest blogger, the beautiful and talented woman I get to call my wife, Jennifer Rhodes.

Fear of the unknown is paralyzing.  Common sense vehemently declares, “I do NOT want to fail!”  But every now and then we have a burst of bravery that courses through our veins.  We get ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired’ and just…..let go.  I found myself playing in the backyard with our children this past weekend and watched as my daughter had such a moment.  Being in an adventurous mood she decided to attempt going down the sliding board backwards.  May seem simple and of non-importance to an adult but, if you know my daughter, this was huge.  She had finally mustered up the confidence was poised to conquer her fear……..but was looking for a safety net.  She called me over just in case something went wrong.  I was proud of her as she was already positioned to face her fear…….a BIG step for someone with her personality type.  Her desire to try something new had overridden fear of the unknown.  I approached cautiously.  She knew I was there because she could hear my voice.  Her little hands were grasping the sides of the board tightly as she was deciding whether to let go.  I reassured her she would be fine and encouraged her to continue.  Then I reassured again…..and again….almost demanding by this point.

This little interaction reminded me of many Christians I know, myself included.  We cry out, “God, I’m out of my comfort zone…I want to let go…I know You’re there……but I’m afraid.”  If we will step back and survey the landscape we would realize fear is mostly based on falsities that mask themselves as reality.  Peter comes to mind as he begged Jesus to allow him to walk on the water.  His faith in Jesus pushed him to attempt the physically impossible.  Jesus called him out.  At that moment, what was fluid and unable to hold form became chemically solid.  Seconds later he lost focus and allowed his surroundings to dictate his reactions.  He began to sink.  I can’t help but wonder if Jesus was disappointed in him.  Peter had experienced miracles at the hands of Jesus yet he still allowed his fear to take center stage.  Spiritual experience teaches us God is there all along.  But, like Peter, we allow fear to creep in and paralyze us.  Then we go so far as to question the validity of our faith.  When will we learn God Almighty defies logic?  Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”   Scripture instructs us to employ faith when we can’t see ahead or behind.  Trust in the Father is a necessity.  The book of Hebrews also reminds us without faith we cannot please God.  The chapter continues on to describe account after account of men and women taking drastic measures (things most would consider crazy) because they sensed they had heard from God.  The aftermath of such circumstances will always serve as encouragement to those around us and building blocks in the foundation of our faith in the Father.

Will you allow God to call you out into the unknown?  Peter’s faith building experience would be one that would teach millions about trust in God.  Is it possible he’s using YOUR experiences to minister to those around you?  He is standing there to catch should you fall.  Do you trust Him?  Prove it.  Just…….let go.

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