…I found admiration for a Muslim

Muslim pic

Ever had one of those moments you felt so convicted by your actions you simply wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it? Yeah, I just had that moment. As I’m typing this I’m on vacation with my family [this was written a week and a half ago]. To say it has been a busy day would be an understatement. It’s the evening and we’ve finally settled in for the night. A short while ago my wife asked me to buy her a bottle of water from the local gas station down the street. Deciding to pass on the $3 bottle in our room I grabbed the kids and set off for my destination.  As I was returning to my hotel I noticed someone of Middle Eastern descent dressed in traditional attire, and of (I assume) the Islamic faith, on a prayer mat praying outside our hotel.  If I’m being totally transparent – I’ll admit, my first instinct was one of a judgmental spirit. A form of disgust was attempting to rear its head.  Just as I was about to allow those negative thoughts to run rampant something in my spirit questioned me, “When was the last time YOU prayed today?” My response, “I, uhhhh, ummmm, I was…..uhhhhhh–see what had happened was….” I just hung my head in shame and walked to my room with the water and my children in tow.  Truth be told, the last time I prayed today was as we were leaving at 4am this morning. I was asking God for protection for my family as we traveled. That was it. No, “Good morning, God!” or “Thanks for letting me live to see another day.” Just something I was adding to my daily “To-Do” list for God. No interaction just a list of desires.

In that moment the one thing that caught my attention was the person’s lack of concern or embarrassment of those passing by.  This person was unashamed of their faith.  Every day that passes it’s more apparent we live in a society where we’re expected to be ‘Politically Correct.’  If your actions offend someone you’re expected to change or alter them. I question, how does a ‘PC’ response make Christians any different from anyone else. How does conforming to the PC agenda make us better Christians?  How is it even possible to be salt and light in that instance? I’m not saying we should go around purposefully attempting to offend others but I question how are our actions are setting us apart?  WHAT makes us different? Mark 8:38 states, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”  While I’m positive I don’t agree with the beliefs of the Muslim I just came in contact with I must admit something I never thought I would say.  Today was the day I found admiration for a Muslim.  There was nothing in that person’s demeanor that gave any recognition of my presence. They were concentrated on the task at hand. Simply stated, the prayers being prayed were their highest priority and they gave no regard to what others thought.  When was the last time YOU prayed today?  I’m not talking about a prayer where you were asking God for something or to intervene on your behalf.  When was the last time you prayed to simply speak to God and spend quality time with Him? Why does it take emergency-type situations for us to spend time with God in prayer?  If something goes wrong and we will pray ALL day, EVERY day.  Let life begin moving along positively and we go our merry way without a passing thought of praying.  What is preventing us from shining our lights brightly wherever we go?  I’m not even referring to praying in public I’m talking about simple things like show love, care, and concern for our fellow man regardless of social standing, race, etc.  Allowing the God in me to be a light to those I come in contact with should be MY highest priority. It’s not my job to shove God down other’s throats rather live my life in a way that point’s people back to Him.  I guess I’ve always known it but I received a reminder from an unlikely source today. Sometimes we have to be unashamedly Politically INcorrect.

Final thoughts and encouragement:  Among other things prayer must become our daily priority.  Our Heavenly Father longs to hear from us.  Rather than using our prayer time asking for ‘stuff’ maybe we should use that time to simply talk to him.  Choose to purposefully spend intimate moments with the Savior every day and I assure you it will change the entire outcome of every day.

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