Somebody PLEASE take my job!!!!

After reading the title I’m sure some of you think I’ve lost my mind.  I haven’t.  As most of you know I’m a minister.  More precisely, I’m a Worship Pastor.  Like any area of ministry there are times I experience struggles but I’ve always walked away feeling fulfilled by my job and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.  I genuinely love it.  But if I’m being honest, there have been times over the years I have found myself thinking, “Somebody PLEASE take my job!!!!”  Let me explain.  As a minister (it doesn’t matter the role as I think all ministers probably feel that same way at certain times) standing on stage can be intimidating.  The looks a congregation gives leaves whomever is on stage questioning if they’ve done their jobs correctly.  Some Sunday’s its like attempting to pull a parked car from one place to another with the emergency brake engaged.  We find ourselves staring at faces that have been beaten down by life’s struggles, family pressures, work stress, frustrations, and so much more.  It genuinely breaks my heart.  Life is hard sometimes.  Sadly, by the time we arrive to church it seems there’s nothing left to give to God-and that’s the way Satan wants it.  After we encounter constant struggles and beat-down’s we want to come to church, sit, and watch (if we come to church at all–sometimes we just want to stay in bed).  Please realize I speak with transparency and a non-judgmental heart as I too have felt this same way on NUMEROUS occasions.  More than I care to admit.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Psalms.  It’s like reading someone’s personal journal.  In certain chapters the author is ready to give up feeling forsaken by God.  In certain chapters the author is bursting at the seams to lift up the name of God.  It’s like a roller coaster ride of emotions.  It’s true life as we live it.  But throughout the book the reader is encouraged to actively pursue, praise, and worship God through singing, dancing, with instruments, and more.  It would thrill my heart to show up to church one day and find the service has started early – and without me.  Possibly the congregation was so excited to enter the house of God they came early and chose to worship without being prompted.  What if we came through the doors of our churches worshipping God before ever entering the sanctuary?  Isn’t that what we’re commanded to do anyway?  “ENTER [emphasis is mine] his gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise; give thanks to him and bless his name.”  [Ps. 100:4]  I’ve said it before.  For this to happen our praise and worship must begin BEFORE darkening the doors of the church.  Praise and worship can’t simply be a choice–it must become the air we breathe!  Praise and worship to the Father should be something we can’t live without.  If we’re breathing we should be praising!  His word says-“Let everything that has breath praise The Lord.  Praise ye the Lord!” [Ps 150:6].  I’m appreciative for the weekly paycheck I receive and I have no doubt the Lord will always supply my needs should it be taken some day.  Seems weird to say but, as a minister, it would thrill my heart to know I was no longer needed (please don’t take my words and allow them to be twisted. I hope you hear my heart and not the words being typed).  Can you imagine if pastor’s everywhere had to start looking for other sources of income because the church began doing the work of God unprompted?  Would somebody PLEASE take my job?

Final words and encouragement: I pray this blog is read as it was intended. It’s my prayer that the people of God, myself included, would learn to see past the ‘smoke screen’ of bad news and frustrations the devil throws at us. If we could KEEP our focus on Him we would genuinely experience what the old hymn says as, “the things of this world will grow strangely dim.” You’re not alone in this journey of faith. Do you need prayer today? Feel free to leave me a message here on the blog, drop me a private message via my FB page, call my cell, send me an email—just get in touch with me and lets be the definition of, “where two or three or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” [Matt 18:20] You’re not alone today!

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