….something just wasn’t right.

Head in sand

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something didn’t feel normal. It started out simple enough. A small symptom here or there. But everything unusual could be explained. I was thirsty a lot and was tired all the time……but, I had been working outside in the summer sun quite a bit. Maybe I needed to slow down? There was still that nagging feeling something just wasn’t right. Some call it a gut feeling our conscience. I call it the Holy Spirit at work. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. He ran a few tests and asked, “Who is the diabetic in your family?” My response was, “Huh? There aren’t any diabetics in my family, I don’t think?!?” His response, “Well, we have one now!” My head was spinning with the implications. All I could see was a shortened life span and needles…….LOT of needles. “How can we fix it? What do I need to do?” I craved answers to my questions, all the while kicking myself for not going to the doctor sooner. He sat down beside me and we spoke for about fifteen minutes uninterrupted. Everything else faded as I hung to his every word. This diagnosis felt unbelievable. It felt like a death sentence. I should have expected such as my lifestyle reflected the diagnosis. I was morbidly obese, tipping the scales at nearly 400 pounds then; and I didn’t care. Until that moment I never saw a need to change. The symptoms were there all along but I ignored or reasoned it away. What did I do? I heeded the doctors warning before things got worse. I changed my lifestyle and did my best to begin making better decisions. It wasn’t easy but with God’s help, I did it.

You know what I’m talking about because you’ve experienced it too– but in a different manner. Something was off but you convinced yourself there was nothing to worry about. That’s the way sin works. Rarely does the devil slap us in the face with a blatant invitation to something wrong or immoral. It starts small and our good intentions become just that. Intentions. We discontinue our attempts at doing what is right while allowing our morals to slip a little.  Personal convictions become non-existent. “It isn’t THAT bad, is it? Nah! I’m fine.” The red flags are at every turn yet we conveniently turn a blind eye. Sin has a way of quietly slipping in when we let down our guard. Regret and a desire for rescue only come after we’ve gone too far. Thankfully, if we’re living and breathing there’s always hope.  He is our hope! God reminds us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” [John 1:9]  We’ve been forgiven by the One who matters most-but it required confession and effort on our part to change. With forgiveness comes His presence as He walks with us every step of the way. There will most likely always be consequences.  Thankfully, we’re never alone.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Get your head out of the sand and pay attention.  The Holy Spirit is telling you something today.  The only way to know His voice better is to converse with Him daily. There will always be warning signs if we pay attention. And remember– that same grace and mercy extended from our Father is the same we should extend to others when forgiving them for wrongs towards us. Doesn’t mean it will be easy. But it is necessary. Have a blessed day, my friends!

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