I could find a million things wrong with this town

When I first rolled into this little Mayberry-esque town I was jobless, childless, frustrated, heartbroken, and morbidly obese-just to name a few things. I remember thinking, “Ummmm, God…..are you sure about this?  There’s nothing here.”  As far as my eye could see there was low income housing, closed or declining textile mills, hundreds of potholes, and quite a few shady characters hovering around.  It was just a rundown little town with, seemingly, nothing much to offer.  Fast forward over 11 years and, if I’m being honest, not a whole lot has changed in this city.  There is (some) new industry being attracted to the area but the potholes are still there, we still have our share of shady characters hanging around, and portions of the low income housing have been torn down because of unlivable conditions.  I was driving by an abandoned lot a few days ago.  I was scanning the trash beginning to accumulate and noticed something I hadn’t seen before.  Off to the side was one of the most beautiful trees covered with purple flower blooms.  My heart was so thankful for that tree and I expressed such to God.  In the midst of all that trash something beautiful had risen.  No doubt it had its struggles.  I’m not sure how it had ever grown as it sits shaded by the larger trees around it.  Somehow it had overcome many obstacles and was now a sizeable tree yielding beauty to all who dared look in the direction of that littered lot.

If I tried, I could find a million things wrong with this town like I did when arriving for the first time. But now I could find double the amount of good things in comparison.  If I had my way back then I would have lived elsewhere.  The issues I had all those years ago had nothing to do with the town and everything to do with my heart and mind.  Isaiah 61 reveals the well-known biblical revelation that God gives beauty for ashes, joyous blessing instead of mourning, etc.  The Prophet Isaiah had been called to prophesy to the Kingdom of Judah.  While experiencing times of rebellion there were still waves of revival cropping up in places.  (Sounds a little like today, huh?).  Judah had been threatened with destruction by Egypt and Assyria but was being spared because of God’s mercy.  Isaiah’s message on this day was one of repentance laced with a hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance in days ahead.  As I’ve aged I’m learning my outlook on the world around me is a choice.  I can choose to find joy in the midst of heartache.  Sometimes I have to look harder for it-but it’s there waiting to be found.  Ever wonder how to change this mindset?  Have you considered starting your day with a prayer from a man after God’s heart?  David prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God.  And renew a right spirit within me…..” [Ps 51:10]  You could literally stop right there.  Those two sentences were a mouth full.  If we could get our hearts and minds aligned with God purpose and will for our lives our fickle and selfish personal desires wouldn’t seem as important.

Closing remarks and encouragement: The discovery of joy sometimes requires a steadfast and resolute choice on our part.  The issues I had all those years ago were heart issues.  Some heart issues require surgery.  Good thing we know a Great Physician.

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