What kind of King is this?!?!?


From Adam and Eve to Noah; from Moses to Samson, and on to John the Baptist. The stories of the Bible leading up to Jesus arrival were intricately woven together to form a beautiful tapestry of what was to come. Each prophetic word given held a special meaning and all led to the very moment in time where Jesus would truly become the King His people had been waiting for. Interestingly enough, it never happened the way anyone expected it to. He didn’t gain his kingdom by declaring war on those who came against Him. He didn’t establish His throne by enslaving those around Him to do His bidding. Just the opposite. Those that had been oppressed for so long waited for an uprising- and even encouraged such- but it never came to be. His kingdom seemed somewhat backwards…..a Backward Kingdom, if you will. Unlike those who preceded Him, this King came to establish His kingdom in peace, granting mercy and love to everyone He came in contact with. He was born of humble beginnings, completely different than the way all other earthly kings had come to claim their rightful thrones. There was no fanfare only a cave, animals with their stench, shepherds, and (later) a few wise men. What kind of King was this?!?!?

The moment He was born no doubt His mother set about counting 10 little fingers and 10 little toes and she reveled in how seemingly perfect He really was. In the years to come, those same hands that were once only small enough to hold on to one of her fingers would bleed from large holes that were created through the brutal force of large stakes being pierced through skin and past bone. Those same feet with tiny toes some years earlier would now drip with blood as they too had been pierced. That chubby little tummy and back with their smooth skin was now being marked with stripes left by pieces of leather, glass, and bone – His body unrecognizable to the naked eye. What kind of King was this?!?

This King seemed helpless hanging there for the world to view. His bruised and mangled body were a far cry from ‘riches untold.’ Where was His army?!?!? How could THIS be our King?!?!? Kings of the past and present did all things to benefit themselves. Yet, in those final moments leading up to death, as the blood and life were literally draining from His body, He was crying out for forgiveness for those that had abused Him so badly. What kind of King was this?!?

He did come to set the captives free though not in a way anyone expected. He did claim His earthly kingdom though His crown didn’t resemble anything made of gold nor was it jewel encrusted.  His crown was made of sticks and thorns. His earthly throne was not made of gold and precious elements rather pieces of wood that had never been sanded or smoothed in preparation for his arrival. This throne was only haphazardly created out of necessity. He wouldn’t sit on this earthly throne. No, He would hang on it. His eyes looked to the heavens as He cried out, “IT IS FINISHED!” Instantly His spirit left its physical shell. The earth cried out as if in anguish as the skies thundered its own response. What kind of King was this?!?

His body was removed from the cross and fell into the very arms that had once cradled Him. The very chest that had at one time nurtured His growth was now covered in His very life’s essence. No doubt hell celebrated believing it was over and victory had been won. The very men that had become His followers now moped and ran away in fear realizing their loss. Had they forgotten everything He had taught them? The seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours. The hours stretched into a day. Nothing. Two days. Nothing…….but wait…….around the final minutes of that second day…..in the midnight hour…….ahhhh yes, that midnight hour…. there was a shifting in the atmosphere. The air became thick. Something was changing. I can’t put my finger on it but something isn’t the same anymore. The clock strikes twelve, the beginning of that third day. Shhhhhhhhh……….what’s that noise?!?!? Something—someone— is moving in that tomb. Shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! WHAT’S THAT NOISE?!?!?!?


The answer: THIS IS YOUR KING!!!!!  He needs no introduction but just in case you weren’t aware……THIS IS THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORDS OF LORDS. HE IS ALPHA AND OMEGA AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. HE’S THE ROSE OF SHARON……..THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR!!!! To those that are hungry He is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. To those in need He is Jehovah Jireh– the Lord that provides. He is your banner and victory! He is the Lord that Heals you! He is Adonai—Lord and Master!  He is your peace in the midst of the storm! He is Jehovah Sabaoth—The Lord of Hosts! He is El Elyon—the Most High God! He is El Olam—the Everlasting God! He is your sanctifier today!! Whatever your need today, He is the one called, “I Am.”  The tomb may have seemed like the end.  NO!  It was just the beginning!!!!!


THAT is YOUR King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Or is He?!?!?

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash



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