My wife smells…..

My wife smells. It’s really crazy. You wouldn’t imagine that scent could come from her but, good grief!  My wife smells……so good!!!  For as long as I’ve known her she has this daily routine.  After her shower filled with soaps, shampoos, and conditioners she continues by using scented lotions, adding sweet smelling deodorants, fixes her hair with an abundance of products, and eventually ends with a spritz of her scent for the day. The combination of the scents is her signature smell– and it’s wonderful to me. She doesn’t smell like anyone else, and I like it that way. I caught a glimpse of her scent this morning after dropping off my kids and, out of habit, I turned in the car to say something to her. She wasn’t there. I realized she had left her mark on me during our morning hug and kiss goodbye. There are times I catch myself smelling like her. No doubt it’s due to the closeness we share with one another. I’m sure she sometimes has a little bit of a manly scent when my cologne happens to rub off on her as well.

Over the years, this has happened more times than not.  The reason is because of the closeness we share.  We sleep in the same bed, share the same bathroom and shower, and have spent thousands of hours together over 15 years of marriage and nearly 17 years together.  It only seems logical my scent would rub off on my wife and vice versa.  It caused me to question another relationship I have.  Do I smell like my Savior?  Have I spent enough time with Him in those intimate moments for His scent to rub off on me?  In Song of Solomon, we find the Shulamite woman making a declaration about God’s love.  In verse 2 she states God’s love is “better than wine.”  Then, in verse 3, she states, “Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth.”  The transliteration of the word ointment is shemen.  It has multiple meanings.  One being a perfume-type scent, but another meaning points to something used for medicinal purposes.  When we purpose to spend times of worship and giving adoration unto God something begins to happen.  There is a distinctive scent that comes forth from that intimacy.  Not only as a perfume, but also as a type of medicine.  I’m glad to know even the mention of His name brings healing.  This string of thoughts led me to another question, do I stink to the devil?  There’s no doubt in my mind the devil hates the scent of God.  I assume it’s because it stands as a reminder of everything he lost when he was kicked out of heaven.  My prayer would be the intimacy I (or you) have with God would become a stench in the devil’s nostrils.  It would be like walking into the perfume section of a department store.  The smell would be so strong and overwhelming it would drive him away and cause him to leave me (us) alone!

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Do you stink to the enemy?  I would hope so as it means there’s an intimacy and closeness he can’t seem to invade.  I want to encourage you this week to protect those intimate times with your Groom.  Find your secret place, whether it be a prayer closet or war room (as some refer to it).  Find a place and a time to allow the stench of his love rub off on you.  Allow that same stench to drive the enemy away from you!  I hope you stink!  🙂

Have a blessed week, my friends!!

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