Do you really…….??????

When I was in college I directed a multi-racial/multi-cultural choir. I can honestly say it was one of the highlights of my time in college. I was a pasty white boy with a black gospel sounding voice directing a very diverse group of people and I had a BLAST! I taught those choir members a few things but, for the most part, they taught me more than I could ever thank them for. That single position prepared me for what I do now. That being said, I was recently reminded of a devotion I led during my time directing United in Harmony (the name of the choir). I called one of my friends to the front and ask her if she would be willing to help me with an object lesson. She agreed and I began by simply asking her if she trusted me. She smile and confidently said, “Sure!” I said, “Are you sure you trust me?” She responded a little less confidently this time, “Uh, yeah.” I asked her again, “Do you REALLY trust me?!?!” With a slight frown forming around her lips, “I THINK I trust you……what are you up to?” I just laughed it off and reassured her I wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t seem convinced as I launched into my lesson. “Okay everybody, she has told me she trusts me and it’s time to put her to the test.” I looked at her and said, “Amanda, I need you to turn around and fall backwards……and I’ll catch you.” She looked me dead in my eyes and said, “Ummm, no.” And asked her again, “Didn’t you say you trusted me?” She replied, “I thought I did until you kept asking me over and over and now I’m not sure who I trust.” After about 5 minutes of coaxing I finally talked her into falling backwards and, as promised, I caught her and sent her back to her seat so I could finish my lesson. Those five minutes had actually gotten pretty comical, to say the least. I had no intentions of dropping her. I’d never purposefully do anything to hurt someone, that’s just not the type of person I am. The point of that lesson was this…….we say we trust God but do we REALLY trust God?

I can tell my wife I love her over and over until she’s tired of hearing it but if I’ve done things to prove to her I’m untrustworthy I’m wasting my time. My actions have already spoken louder than my words. If I tell her something then it becomes my job to prove it to her. When I express my love to my wife my actions, language, and the way I live my life need to reflect this truth I have spoken to her from that point on. We like to sing songs that talk about trusting God. Our churches choir recently sang a song titled, “I’ll Trust You,” by Richard Smallwood. The words are:

You are my refuge. In You I’ll trust.

You are my fortress. In You I’ll trust.

I won’t dread the terror by night

for angels are all around me.

So, I will not fear.

When I call you, you’ll answer,

in time of trouble.

When I call You, You’ll answer.

You will deliver

I’ll trust you, for I will dwell under shadow.

I won’t dread the terror by night

for angels are all around me.

So, I will not fear.

While that song is powerful and faith building, if I don’t put my words to work I’ve done nothing but give God lip-service. The purpose of this blog is this: I want to encourage anyone who is reading this today to push through the doubt you experience to trust God in a way you never have before. Allow Him to prove Himself to you in ways you’ve never experienced. The word of God reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” [Prov. 3:5-6] We already know from reading this scripture those moments of doubt will come as we’re instructed to, “lean NOT (my emphasis) on OUR own understanding.” If we lean on our understanding then we’re going to walk away from each situation frustrated and confused. Many times the things of God don’t make sense to our logic-driven human minds.  We’re to “acknowledge” Him.   The original Hebrew word used in place of acknowledge is yada`. This word is used in verb form. English lessons of my past taught me that a verb is an action word. We have to work to know who He is. Whether through reading His word, our personal prayer and devotion time, or our worship we must strive to get to know Him better. A few of the definitions given in Strong’s concordance for this word yada` are: to perceive; to find out and discern; to know by experience; to confess; to be acquainted with; to make known, declare. God’s will for our lives may not always make sense to us but if you’re His child He’s already promised He would work all things, “for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” If you are His you have HOPE today. HE is your hope. Even when your circumstances don’t reflect it, He’s working things out for your good. Feel like your prayers have gone unanswered? Maybe that’s a GOOD thing. It’s possible that if things turned out the way you wanted them to you’d be in a mess. Just like a father or mother protects their child from harm, it is the same with your Heavenly Father. His ways and thoughts are higher than yours. He knows what lies ahead of you. Your Heavenly Father longs to protect you. Even more importantly, He’s standing behind you waiting for you to test His faithfulness to you. Mark my words when you fall backwards….He will catch you EVERY time. Don’t give Him lip-service today. Stop worrying about the things you have no ability to control. Give Him control of your heart and life. When you tell Him you trust him, lean not on your own understanding. Be assured, He’s directing your path!!

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