It’s time to dance…….because it’s my job!


I danced.  For TWO STRAIGHT HOURS!!!  Yes, I’m a white boy—and, yes, I have rhythm—keep the jokes to yourself, ha, ha.  When I left I was sweaty and tired but there’s not much in this world that could have wiped the smile from my face.  I was blessed a few days ago to attend our local Father/Daughter dance with my daughter.  I could tell when we walked in she was a little uncomfortable.  After she caught a glimpse of her friends the fear quickly faded.  Every attempt to join was deflected by my little date as I was directed to the sidelines.  Apparently I wasn’t ‘cool’ enough.  Side note: getting the brush-off by a 6 yr old is a bit humbling but I wanted her to spread her wings so I allowed her freedom.  After about 30 minutes I was finally given permission to join her on the floor.  From then on the two of us were inseparable.  From the beginning of the evening to the end I made it a point to open the door for her, carry on conversation, and genuinely treat her like she was my date.  Why?  Because it’s my job.

I’m not sure how other father’s respond but I knew early in my daughter’s life it was my job to teach her how a young man is supposed to treat her.  Allowing the world to dictate how she is to dress, present herself, or be treated by those of the opposite sex is not an option for me.  My daughter becoming a Proverbs 31 woman is important to me [if you haven’t read that particular chapter lately, you should].  I realize the way I raise her will affect her positively or negatively for the rest of her life.  The way I treat her mother is a signal as to how she should allow herself to be treated.  The respect I show her should be the same respect she requires of anyone wishing to spend time with her.  Am I perfect?  No.  Do I always get it right?  Absolutely not.  I dare blink my eyes and she’ll be 16, 18, then 21.  I want the best for my daughter and it starts with me.  The same goes for my 2 yr old son.  I desire he become a man of integrity, showing the same grace and mercy to others that God has shown to him.  Again, it all starts at home.  Allow the world to teach these lessons to your children will assure they will have a skewed view of reality.  The devil is looking to steal, kill, and destroy…..and that includes my children’s future.  Parents—we have to step up, even when things become uncomfortable.  Was taking her to a dance my first choice of an outing with my daughter?  Probably not.  But this was something she wanted to do as she heard her friends talking about it.  So, I danced.  Dad’s and Mom’s–it’s time to dance.  Will we do it again?  Probably, if she’s interested.  I don’t have many moments with my little princess before prince charming is going to come rushing in to take her away.  Each moment is precious and I intend on capitalizing on them all.  Not because I have to but because it’s my job.    “…choose you this day whom you will serve……as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  [Joshua 24:15]  Dance, baby girl.  Dance!!!

Can’t you see me?!?

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I was recently at a ministry event out of town. As is custom with church people, there were lots of hugs and handshakes. I greeted everyone but eventually made my way to the restroom to wash my hands. [I’m trying to avoid this flu everyone seems to be passing around] I walk in and find state of the art equipment lined down the left wall. Everything was geared with motion sensors. Now folks, I realize it’s the latest craze but, truth be told, I don’t normally have the greatest luck using them. This instance was no different. I literally end up going down the line of sinks simply trying to get a small hand full of soap from the dispenser. I’m waving my hands feverishly and, if I’m being honest, getting a little panicky.  Getting frustrated, I decide to stand still and wait.  I was determined NOT to leave until I had washed my hands (the OCD in me was running rampant this day, LOL!). FINALLY, after about a minute of continued waving I score liquid gold!!!  It was a small amount but was a little piece of heaven to me. Whew, crisis averted. Then–you guessed it–the waving commences as I attempt to get the water to work.  I literally found myself talking out loud to the sink, “Hello? Can’t you see me? I’m standing right here!!! I’m waiting!!!”  **I pray no one was in there or heard me talking to an inanimate object.**

In hindsight, this moment was comical but it left me pondering. I feel like most of my life is spent waiting. Specifically, waiting on God. You all know the feeling. You’ve prayed, fasted, and done everything you know to do.  It leaves you yelling, “Hello, God? Can’t you see me? I’m standing right here!!! I’m waiting!!!!”  In moments like these I’m reminded of a valuable lesson. God and I have two VERY different time tables. I say go. He says wait. I want to run ahead as He yells, “Slow down!” More specifically He says, “Be still and know that I am God.” [Ps 46:10]  For those like myself needing a better translation because we have no patience–sit down, shut up, and just wait!  [that can be found in the Brian International Version–you can pick it up at your local Christian bookstore now, LOL]  I know. You don’t want to wait. Neither do I. But think of it in these terms. If you pull a pan of biscuits out of the oven before they’re completely cooked you end up with inedible little piles of dough. The unfinished product is not nearly as appetizing. But if you simply wait a few minutes longer you end up experiencing something that will bring a smile to your face.  Have you done everything you know to do and now you’re left waiting on God to move? Be still and know He is God. He has never let you down so why would he start now?  BE STILL!!! He’s all sufficient, all knowing, all powerful. God’s got you covered today. Just sit still and watch how He supernaturally works things out. Trust the Chef. He’s whipping something up especially for you!

I said NO!!!!!

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My son (my second born and youngest) is quite the adventurous two year old little monkey.  He is extremely sweet but also fearless in whatever activity he is involved in.  Whether acrobatics off our living room furniture or running at lightning speed through our home, he goes full speed ahead from morning till night.  Every so often, before he does something crazy, he will ask for permission first.  This happened a few days ago and my response was, “No, baby.”  His response was, “Pwease, Daddy!!!”  I responded again, “I’m sorry baby, no.”  Commence with two year old tantrum.  On this particular day my son decided he would choose to blatantly disobey me right in front of me….and I let him.  Bad parenting?  Nope.  Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.  Once more I responded in a loud tone, “I said NO!” [in my best DEEP Daddy voice—we all know that’s a hard one as my voice never dropped, LOL!]  Just as I suspected, this particular action left him in pain.  The pain had more to do with his bruised pride than the little bump on his knee.  I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Didn’t Daddy tell you not to do that?”  His response through big crocodile tears was, “Yeah……hold me, pwease!”  I walked over and picked him up and began inspecting him.  As I suspected, nothing was broken or bleeding.  We sat in the rocker in his room for a few minutes as I rubbed his backed and attempted to calm him down.  After the tears had dried I began talking to him.  “Moose (a nickname), Daddy wasn’t trying to be mean.  When I tell you not to do something it’s to keep you from getting hurt, not to keep you from having fun.  You need to listen to Daddy next time or you could get hurt again.”  He responded with a humble, “Okay,” as he hugged my neck and set off for his next adventure.

I understood his frustration.  At times I have the same issue with my Father.  No, not my earthly Father (though that was the case in my earlier years).  I’m talking about my heavenly Father.  I’ll ask His permission to do something.  His response is, “No, son.”  At that moment I have a few options.  I can throw a fit (which I’ve been known to do), disobey and do it anyway (which I also sometimes do), and yet other times I actually walk away nurturing my frustration and heed the warning.  No one wants to hear a “no” response.  It’s frustrating and leaves you mad and feeling slightly betrayed.  My goal wasn’t to prevent my son from doing something fun but to keep him safe.  It’s the same way with our Heavenly Father.  We like to throw a tantrum filled with kicking and screaming when we don’t get our way.  The word of God encourages us to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.”   [Proverbs 3:5-6]   “Lean NOT unto your own understanding……”  Chances are you’re going to screw something up or get yourself hurt because you don’t know what’s coming around the next corner.  But there are benefits to placing your trust in Him and acknowledging Him…… “He will direct thy paths…”  That’s not a one-time promise.  He will direct thy PATH’S!  That’s a plural word…..more than one path.  I encourage you to change the way you respond to your next “no” from God.  You can ask Him why, though be prepared not to receive a response from time to time.  Or you can say, “Okay, God.  I don’t understand.  I don’t like it.  But I’ll trust you!”  I can assure you that in many of those instances you will look back later and realize you dodged more than your fair share of bullets.  There’s divine protection in submission.  You can save yourself a lot of hurt if you’ll just listen.

Are you plugged in?

Plugged in pic

I was doing a little housework a few weeks ago –yes, ladies, men can clean too though they may pretend they can’t—on my day off from work (and yes, I have cleaned since then too).  As I going over our living room rug my vacuum stopped working.  I pressed the button a few times and…..nothing.  I thought to myself, “I REALLY don’t want to have to buy a new vacuum right now.”  My brain had a stroke of genius and I went to the wall to check and see if it was plugged in.  Thankfully, that was where the issue originated.  Crisis averted—no new vacuum purchase necessary.  I went back to my work and thought nothing of it.  That is, until 2 days later and I’m in the middle of leading worship in my church.  Weird, right?!?  Not really…..stick with me.  As I was singing I had a momentary flashback to that moment when I went to plug the vacuum back in to the wall.  My first twas, “Get your mind back on what you’re doing, man!! Concentrate on leading worship!!!”  Then it hit me.  The Holy Spirit was speaking to me.  For a few seconds I began to see a side-by-side picture.  The first was of me plugging in the cord of my vacuum to the wall.  The second was my perception of God’s view of us from heaven as we are worshipping.

Just as any appliance can’t function unless it is connected to its power source, the same can be said of Christians.  Life happens to everyone.  We all slip from time to time.  Maybe we are habitual at some point with our daily devotion.  We make it a priority.  After a few months we hit a rough patch and things get a little crazy with our schedule.  Our morning prayer time had to be moved to afternoon, then to evening, and…….pretty soon we’re left thinking, “Shoot, I forgot!” as you start a new day.  I can’t speak for anyone else but I know when have spent my private time of worship with God I physically feel better, I’m kind to those I minister to, I’m a better dad, more patient husband, etc.  I’m not saying you have to walk around with your hands raised to the heavens all day to be worshipping God.  As Christians, our worship has to become a non-negotiable lifestyle necessity.  When we are conversing with God throughout the day we are plugged in to our source.  When we’re plugged in to the source we have less of a tendency to overreact, make momentary bad decisions, and more.  When we allow other things in our life to take priority we become weakened and are more susceptible to the works of the enemy.

Psalm 121:1-8, one of my favorite Psalms, reminds us:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Feeling drab and dead?  Does is seems like God is a million miles away?  Truth is, He’s ALWAYS right there beside us leading and guiding us–when we listen.  The REAL question remains, are you plugged in?  Well……are you?

The flaw isn’t in the instructions……….

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Okay, so let me be transparent a moment.  I just about forfeited my sanctification a few days ago.  Why, you ask?  It’s kind of comical now but while it was going on I thought I was going to lose my mind [keep the snide comments to yourself, lol].  One of the presents we purchased for our kids for Christmas was a train table with the tracks.  It’s similar to what you would find in the kids section at your local Barnes and Noble….but slightly smaller.  Being the wonderful Father I am here’s what I did…..I waited till the last possible second to put it together.  Smart move, huh?  Not so much.  There are three words that will spark fear in my heart quicker than any other.  The picture below says it all.

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Did you see it….it says…..ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.  Another transparent moment:  I’m not very handy…..there—I said it.  God gave me this pretty face to make up for my obvious lack of handiness (I know you’re rolling your eyes but I like to pretend I’m Denzel Washington’s albino twin brother).  Side note: my wife was fully aware of my un-handiness and made this purchase anyway—no doubt she lost her focus because of my dashingly good looks. (there goes that eye roll again… should really get that checked, LOL).  The table itself wasn’t too bad to put together.  I only screwed ONE set of legs on backwards.  In comparison of past ventures, this was an improvement for me.  The train tracks…..not so much.  I’m not like most men.  I actually looked at the directions.  I realized early on something wasn’t right.  After about 10 minutes of mounting frustration I began forming a polite yet frustratingly poignant letter to the creators of this toy informing them, not only was there something wrong with the product but I FULLY expected them to fix the issue and apologize for the inconvenience it caused me—not to mention the emotional scars my children would have to carry throughout their lives (a little dramatic, huh?  LOL!).  Not easily swayed I sat there for 45 minutes trying to figure out SOME way to make this thing work.  My kids deserved it and I wasn’t giving up!!!  Finally, I took a deep breath and…..wouldn’t you know it…..something clicked.  I had been reading the direction wrong and looking at things backwards.  I set about to reassemble everything and….voila’……..COMPLETED TABLE = EXTREMELY HAPPY CHILDREN!!!!  Dad of the Year was awarded to ME!

This entire episode reminded me of how we as Christians tend to live.  The Bible gives specific directions/directives on how we are to live our lives.  Rather heed these instructions we attempt to find ways of getting around certain commandments or mandates.  We try to keep one foot in heaven and one foot in the world.  Rather than abstain from impure things we try to see how much we can get away with before getting ‘in trouble.’  Mixing the two is impossible to do successfully as light and darkness are two very different things.  We may not want to hear it but it’s time to, “Choose you this day, whom you will serve….”  And while we’re at it, let me encourage you to take things a step further this new year.  Rather than read the directions (the Bible) and take it at face value, choose to STUDY it.  There are SO many customs, traditions, cultural norms of that time we are not aware of.  When we read the Bible in the actual context it was written it takes on an ENTIRELY different meaning.  There’s a reason we’ve been given instructions and limitations.  It’s not punishment…’s protection.  Rather than get frustrated at God because something doesn’t go the way you felt it should, step back and look at things from a different angle.  The flaw isn’t in the instructions…..the flaw is in how you’re reading them.

What do YOU want to be when you grow up?!?


Ludwig van Beethoven, Martin Luther King Jr., Bethany Hamilton, Nick Vujicic, Nelson Mandela, Helen Keller, Malala Yousafzai, Esther (a.k.a. Hadassah). I dare say there are a few names above you know and a few you would have to look up. What do each of these people have in common? I won’t take the time to do so but I encourage you to look up the stories of every person listed here. It will be worth your time. Still can’t figure it out? Every person on this list is someone who defied the odds in some way. Each story is unique in its own way and all stand as a testament to what can be accomplished when you put your mind to it. I’m bothered by the willingness of so many in today’s society to allow themselves to become just another statistic. There was a commercial years ago that had children stating, frame by frame, what they wanted to be when they grew up. The last frame is blank as the announcer says, “No one ever says, “I want to be a junkie when I grow up.”” That commercial had a profound effect on me. It was a reminder that we don’t have control over the hand we’re dealt but how we play the game, that’s where we DO have control. Most people would rather be lazy and settle for status quo than challenge themselves. Let’s be honest, living a life that conforms to the cultural norms of today most likely guarantees a life somewhat free of many challenges and frustrations. Not completely, but you get my point. On the other hand, choosing to challenge the norms of today may very well leave you with a different outcome. The stories of each person listed above intrigue me as they all possess this ability to overcome tremendous odds and accomplish phenomenal things in our world. Odds that would have stopped most.

We are now only a few days into the new year. The ability to overcome and/or accomplish greatness lie in your hands. Are the cards stacked against you? You can STILL overcome! The stories of the people listed above are PROOF of such. [PLEASE do yourself a favor and look up the stories of these people listed above or this blog will mean nothing to you]  Don’t like how things turned out in 2014, 2013, 2012, etc.? Change it! Simple as that. Habakkuk 2:2-3 (HCSB) states, “The Lord answered me: Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies about the end and will not lie. Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late.” Study of this scripture reveals when a prophet of God was instructed to write something down there was something of great importance that needed to be remembered. These writings were set in place as a visible and tangible reminder of what God had said and what to expect. This scripture even goes so far as to warn that hard time might be ahead. BUT, though it may seem there’s a delay it WILL come to pass. When was the last time you prayed to God about your or your family’s future? Genuinely prayed? What did God reveal to you? Did you write it down? If you haven’t even prayed you’re in even worse shape that those who forgot to write it down. What do you want to accomplish in 5, 10, 15, 20 years? How will you accomplish it? What will it take to get you from here to there? There are many questions to be answered and a lot of elbow grease to employ but it IS possible to see those dreams/goals come to pass. A recent song written by Israel Houghton and Ricardo Sanchez states, “When God is in it, there is no limit! When God is in it, it’s not over!” Where the world places a period, God will place a comma….. or insert a “but” into the sentence. I encourage you today to begin ‘writing the vision.’ God has a perfect plan and destiny for your life and those things can/will come to pass. It may take some hard work on your part coupled with divine guidance and favor but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! Word of advice…..write down your plans in pencil and give God the eraser. You’ll be glad you did!!  I leave you with this question–What do YOU want to be when you grow up?!?

Did someone cut out the lights?!?!

It’s a little out of the ordinary but I found myself traveling home from church a few nights ago alone.  With my family’s absence I wasn’t concentrated on the activity in my car like normal.  As I turned on to my street I began thinking, “Wow, it’s dark on this street tonight.  Is the power out?  Who cut out the lights?”   I kept glancing around to different houses and viewed lights glowing from windows throughout the neighborhood.  It took me a minute realize what was so different.  During the Christmas season quite a few of my neighbors had placed lights on their houses and on trees in their yards.  My mind had gotten accustomed to it.  Since Christmas has passed everyone packed their decorations away until next year.  I didn’t realize how much those lights illuminated our little street until they were gone again.  Instantly I was struck with another thought.  The question came to mind, “I wonder if this is how God sees things?”  Let me explain.

I look around at churches throughout our town and throughout our state.  Some are thriving but many have found themselves in a downward spiral.  Sadly, a few have even closed their doors.  I have to admit, as a minister I’m concerned about the blanket of complacency has fallen across and has become so prevalent in our churches.  Many people I once regarded as regular church-goers have allowed things around them to steal their focus and keep them from the house of God.  Whether it’s extra-curricular activities, laziness, or any number of excuses church attendance isn’t something we Christians need to be turning our backs on.  We all know attending church will NOT get you into heaven but there’s something about being around fellow Christians.  It builds up your spirit man in a way nothing else can.   When you find yourself among like-minded people who share your struggles you realize you’re not alone.  You also have the chance to VIEW the testimonies being lived out in many peoples lives.  These real life testimonies assure you you CAN overcome.  We’re instructed in the word of God not to forsake the assembling of ourselves.  This has been instructed to us for this exact reason.  Attending Bedside Baptist Church or Pillow Pentecostal Holiness Church doesn’t count, folks.

Those weekly services we attend are not only for our benefit but for unbelievers who may choose to visit.  Matthew 5:14-16 states, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Spiritually speaking–what does God see when he travels through YOUR neighborhood?  Is your light shining or is God left asking, “Did someone cut out the lights?!?”

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He seemingly takes pride in doing things backwards…….

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The more I learn about God, the more I realize I know absolutely nothing about Him.  I’ve managed to earn three degrees, a diploma, three levels of ministerial credentialing and much more only to realize I’m not as smart as I think I am.  The more I learn the less I know.  Seems crazy but it’s true.  Common sense tells you a college graduate should come out of school smarter than when they went in.  It’s my experience many times when you graduate you leave with more questions than answers.  You may be trained in certain areas of expertise but when it comes to the things of God you can hang it up.  God has to be the most confusing person I believe I’ve ever known.  Much of what He does never seems to make sense to me.   Have you ever sat back and considered who God is His methods.  I dare say, the majority of the time He never does things the way we expect Him to.  The Bible is chocked FULL of stories of people who were unprepared, uneducated, too old, too young, adulterers, fornicators—basically the worst of the worst and the most incapable.  THOSE are the people He has always chosen to use.  He never seems to use the smartest, richest, or even of most prepared or able-bodied.  He seemingly takes pride in doing things backwards.  As I’ve been reflecting on the Christmas story lately I’ve come to a few realizations that have left me baffled.

His people were looking for a king to save them, someone who would gallop in on a white horse and save the day.  What they got were 10 little fingers and 10 little toes.  They were expecting someone with military experience and power that would sweep in with force and decimate their enemy.  What they got were smooth skin and a fuzzy little head too small to carry a heavy jewel encrusted crown.  This is a king?  From this perspective he doesn’t look like he has the power to save anyone, let alone himself.  What you don’t understand is you’re looking through human eyes.  You are viewing things with eyes that are flawed and can’t see the true power and potential in that little body lying in the feeding trough.  He will save his people….but not in the way you expect.  He will rescue his people from their oppression, though not in the way you anticipate.  He will rule the world, but not from an earthly kingdom.  He will bring justice, though not in the way you desire.  He will fight a terrible and bloody battle, but won’t use force to win.  How will He bring justice, rescue His people, and rule the world, you ask?  With a few pieces of splintered wood and three rusty nails.  He will simply lay down and die.  This is our King and Savior.  We don’t like to consider it but Christ was born to die.  Seems an oddity.  Not really.  That’s just the backwards God we serve.  The next time you begin stressing over how things seem to be coming out all wrong take a minute and reflect over what you know about God.  He brings the most beauty from the biggest mess.  Trust that He’s working it all out for your good.  Merry Christmas everyone!

**Side note:  This is probably going to be the last blog of this year for me.  I appreciate all of you that have chosen to read it.  I am humbled when I consider that in the few months I’ve been writing I’ve had nearly 1500 visitors to this site.  My goal is to expand my writing endeavors in the coming year and I ask that you join with me in prayer as I pray for His guidance in this process.  I will do my best to keep you up to date.  I do have an article being printed in January and will be providing a link so you may read it when it is printed, if you’re interested in doing so.  God bless you all in the coming year!!!

What about Joseph?!?

Joseph, Mary & Jesus

A little over a year ago I had an article printed in a magazine that I wanted to share with you.  It is very fitting for this Christmas season.  I pray it blesses you!!  Here it is:

I speak from experience when I say that a man’s desire to have children can be strong. Even from childhood, I knew I would be a dad someday, though I had no idea about the road I would travel to get there.  At times my desire to have children seemed to outweigh that of my wife.   When I discovered that the reasons for “our infertility” were mine, I was crushed beyond words.  I petitioned God not to penalize my wife for my shortcomings, ignorantly assuming that I was being punished for something I had done.

Adoption had always been a way we embraced for building our family, though I never assumed we would be walking that road so quickly.  Although I wanted to adopt, I still had legitimate concerns:  What would it be like to raise a child who was not biologically my own and did not look like me?  Would people around us suspect my wife of infidelity?   How would I/we handle the stares and/or rumors of others?  Despite these questions, nothing overshadowed my desire for a children.

Throughout the years, I have heard numerous sermons and songs, and I have read articles that ponder Mary’s state of mind in preparation for Jesus’ birth.  I, too, have pondered these things, but last year’s Christmas was different for me.  You see, that is when I became the father of two children, both adopted through Bethany.  Our daughter, Halynn, was 4 and our son, Holden, was 9 months old at Christmas time. [they are now 6 and 2]

While it was not the first time I experienced a “First Christmas,” it was the first time I celebrated with my son.  Unlike in earlier years, last year I began to ask myself questions like these:  What about Joseph?   What was he was thinking when the angel appeared to inform him about Mary‘s pregnancy?  What emotions did he experience in the months leading to Jesus’ arrival?  How heavy was the burden he carried knowing that he would raise the son of God?

The Bible tells us that Joseph was a righteous man and hard worker.  We also know he was a man of good character because of how he reacted to Mary’s pregnancy.  His concern for her well-being was apparent through his actions.  He was within his rights to turn his back on Mary and break his engagement, which would have led to her death by stoning.  Joseph’s desire to prevent Mary from experiencing this shame and ultimate death led him to decide to separate quietly before their marriage.  This, we know from Scripture, was prior to the appearance of the angel and his message to Joseph.

The road Mary and Joseph traveled afterwards was bumpy, both figuratively and literally.  The people in their town must have been fully aware that Joseph and Mary were not married, yet Mary’s pregnancy would have brought stares and judgment.  Traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be counted in the census also proved to be bumpy—literally.

I am sharing part of our adoption story to encourage you and to express two important lessons from God’s Word.  Sometimes the road of life may lead you in directions you did not expect to travel…or maybe you planned to take that road…just at a different time.  The roads you travel may be painful.  They may seem like punishment, especially when things do not turn out as you thought they would or should.  The truths I express to you are not based on my personal opinions, but on God’s Word.

Lesson #1:  We may not understand what God is doing at every turn on our road of life, but we must trust Him. 

God has a plan for you and your family, but you must seek that plan by praying for wisdom and guidance.  God’s ways and thoughts are higher than yours.  You must seek Him, and you will most assuredly find Him.  And you must realize that this is not a one-time prayer but a daily one.  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:11-13

Lesson #2:  When His desires become our desires, our personal opinions take a back seat to His will, and nothing else matters. 

As Christians, we like to jump to the end of the verse below, where it states, “and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”  Rather, we should “Delight thyself [ourselves] also in the Lord….”   When God becomes our delight, an exchange occurs.   When we delight ourselves in Him, God’s desires become ours, and they align with His will for us. “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”  Psalm 37:4

So, what about Joseph?  I imagine He had the same feeling I did the first time I laid my eyes on my daughter and my son—an overwhelming sense of love and pride.  He also experienced the very natural desire to protect his child at all costs.  The judgmental stares of the previous nine months no longer mattered as Joseph looked upon the face of his son wrapped in swaddling clothes and nestled comfortably in his arms.  The fact that Jesus was not Joseph’s biological child no longer mattered.  I like to think that the first song Joseph sang to Jesus mirrored the lyrics in “Joseph’s Lullaby” by MercyMe:

“Go to sleep my Son, this manger for your bed.  You have a long road before You, rest Your little head.  Can You feel the weight of Your glory?  Do You understand the price?  Or does the Father guard Your heart for now so You can sleep tonight? 

Go to sleep my Son.  Go and chase Your dreams.  This world can wait for one more moment.  Go and sleep in peace.  I believe the glory of Heaven is lying in my arms tonight.  Lord, I ask that He, for just this moment simply be my child.

Go to sleep my Son.  Baby, close Your eyes.  Soon enough You’ll save the day but for now, dear Child of mine…Oh my Jesus….sleep tight”

Be encouraged and remember this:  Regardless of your circumstance, God is in control, and He will never leave nor forsake you.

**If you would like to hear this song….AND IT’S WORTH THE 3 MINUTES IT WILL TAKE YOU TO LISTEN TO IT….you can find it here:



It’s a familiar story most Christians have heard at one time or another. John 5:1-9 tells us of a man crippled for thirty eight years found lying by the pool called Bethesda. Scripture tells us whoever entered the pool first upon the troubling/stirring of the water would be made whole/healed. This particular day Jesus was traveling through Jerusalem. Knowing the man had been in this condition for a while Jesus asked, “Do you want to be made well?” The man’s immediate response consisted of the reasons he couldn’t/wouldn’t receive his healing. Jesus responds, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” I want you to do something today. I want you to concentrate on the space. I know it sounds weird, but stay with me. I want you to concentrate on that area of space between the moment the lame man received the command from Jesus and the decision to take the action. That space is pivotal.

I’ve always found it interesting he never responded to Jesus with a simple yes or no rather he began listing WHY he had not/could not be made well. It’s a perfect example of how we (I include myself) receive a word from God, perhaps a promise of blessings/healings/miracles.  We immediately began mulling it over in our minds but our minds always tend to lean toward why it can’t happen. It’s a normal response from ANY human being, myself included. Today, you are being presented with a pivotal moment. A moment you will experience in many forms throughout your life. It’s that space. That space between receiving the promise God has for you and the action you/we will choose to take. The lame man could have foregone his miracle by allowing his current reality to dictate his response. In that space of time between Christ’s command and his action he CHOSE to take up his bed and walk. He chose to believe, receive, and (literally) walk in his promise.  I don’t know your circumstance or situation today but I can ASSURE you God is speaking to you. That space will be the determining factor in YOU receiving your promise. It may not happen instantaneously and that’s okay. Some miracles don’t happen instantly but that doesn’t make them any less miraculous. In example, God waited until Sarai (later renamed Sarah) was 90 before he gave her a child.  God also chose to send Israel’s long awaited king by impregnating a virgin who was born in the lowliest of circumstances. Science tells us both of these instances are impossible.  A 90 year old woman can’t get pregnant and neither can a young girl who hasn’t had sexual relations.  The Bible is FULL of stories reminding us God specializes in making the impossible possible!  With God ALL THINGS are possible. However the key is going to lie in our daily Galations 2:20 crucifixion of our flesh.

I encourage you today stop concentrating and focusing on what’s in front of your physical eyes and start using your spiritual eyes. If He said it….He will do it…… HIS time (yeah, we don’t like that part). In that ‘space’ of time CHOOSE to make the right decision. Choose to trust. Choose to believe. Receive and walk in your promise regardless what your situation dictates. Rather than waste time complaining why your promise or miracle CAN’T take place, choose to proclaim how much BIGGER your God is. There are times we may receive a promise that is so unbelievable we don’t see how it could possibly come true. We can choose to sit and argue with God or we can receive and walk in faith of what He’s said he was going to do. Stop complaining. Stop worrying. Stop fixating on things you can’t change. Just……….STOP! If He said it……He’ll do it!!!  It very well could be time for you to take up YOUR bed and walk!!  When the moment presents itself, capitalize on that ‘space’ by placing your trust in Him.

Inspirational lessons from my life