“……..that little yellow room…”

Prayer pic

As I am writing this blog I am sitting in my office.  Just a short distance down the hall I hear the rumbling of voices that are sporadic and scattered yet still in unison.  Seems impossible but it’s true.  Every Tuesday (weather permitting) for the past ten years I’ve experienced this beautiful sound coming from the exact same room, at the exact time, week after week.  I find great comfort in it.  What is the sound, you ask?  It’s the hum of 15-20 mostly silver and white haired women and an occasional man or two coming together to pray for our church and the needs brought before them.  The door is most always open and many times I can hear everything that is going on.  You will never hear gossip or backbiting.  Quite the opposite.  I hear these folks pouring out their hearts to God for people they have never met and quite possibly might never know.  At times I hear them express their own pain to each other too.  Like a beehive that has been disturbed they gather around that person, laying hands and praying down healing, proclaiming deliverance, and asking the Holy Spirit for peace and encouragement.  Interestingly enough there’s always a different tone to each meeting.  Some weeks there’s a tone of encouragement.  Some weeks that hum can sound almost mournful.  Yet at other times there’s the undeniable sound of victory coming from the room.  The world may never meet these wonderful people but wars are being fought in the spirit realm and won on others behalf.  They may never stand on national stages for the world to hear but that doesn’t matter.  I can assure you they are undeniably making a difference with every word preceding from their mouths.  They hold tight to the belief ‘when two or three are gathered’ He is in their midst.  They expect it.  They respectfully demand it.

I wish the world could grab ahold of the mindset permeating from that little room.  There’s something happening others need to grasp.  We live in a world where youthfulness is celebrated and those that are aged are pushed into the shadows.  Rather than accept the natural progression of life many feverishly attempt to turn back the hands of time.  Have you ever considered the body of Christ?  It is filled with many differing age groups, cultures, traditions, denominations and more.  When will we grasp that, though we may differ in theology and methods, we are still called to the same work for the kingdom?  There is value in youthful energy.  There is equal value in aged experience.  The wonderful souls praying in that room are doing as much in their part of the world as the world renowned televangelist.  1 Corinthians 12:12 states, “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.”  It would behoove us to remember there is no part of the body any more important than another.  The body, as a whole, works together to perform a specific work.  So it is with the body of Christ.  Though there are many separate bodies, or churches rather, we are all a part of a much larger picture.  Age, social standing, and things of this nature are no concern to our Savior.  He’s simply looking for a willing vessel and many times picks the most unexpected for His work.  We all have a job to do.  Today, be encouraged.  Whether you’re called to the lead in the forefront or support behind the scenes—don’t underestimate your importance to the body of Christ.  Colossians 3:23 reminds us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters..”  We are all important and of equal importance to the Savior.  Find what God is calling you to and do it with all your might.  From the confines of that little yellow room those precious saints are changing the world one prayer at a time.

If you never hear it again—thank you.  Thank you for what you do for His kingdom.  Now, go remind someone of THEIR importance to the kingdom.  God bless you!

“……get back up, dust yourself off, and try again.”

falling from bike

Here’s a synopsis of a little conversation I had with my six year old daughter tonight as we stood in the long checkout line at one of our local stores:

Berta (a nickname):  “Daddy, did you see that pretty bike back there?  The purple and the green one?”

Me:  “Yeah, baby.  That was really nice.”

Berta:  “I really want a bike like that someday.”

Me:  “I think we could make that happen……but first you’re going to have to learn how to ride your other bike without the training wheels.”

Berta:  “Okay……..but [with some hesitation] what if I fall when we take the training wheels off?”

Me:  “You’ll get up and try again.”

Berta: [still hesitant] “But what if I fall off and hurt myself?”

Me:  “You’ll probably cry a little bit….maybe you’ll need a Band-Aid or two……but you’ll get back up, dust yourself off, and try again.  You’ll never learn how to ride it if you don’t keep trying until you get it right.”

Berta:  [after considering what I said silently for about thirty seconds—a big smile creeps across her face and she looks me dead in the eyes] “Thanks, Daddy.  You always make me feel better.”

After that last statement I just about walked to the back of the store and loaded that shiny new bike in the buggy to take home.  As we stood there waiting a little longer to make our purchase I began thinking about her little personality. I was reminded she’s a little too much like her Daddy sometimes—and that’s not always a good thing.  Daddy has a tendency to be a little bit of a control freak.  [I know, big shocker, LOL!] I like order, organization, predictability, freedom to express myself, and more.  My daughter is the same way.  Once she gets use to something she’s not very fearful.  But, like me, when she’s attempting something for the first time, or maybe the second or third, she tends to be apprehensive and nervous until she gets the hang of it.  Many times she will come back and say, “That wasn’t scary at all!”

As I had this exchange with my daughter I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me a little…..well it was a slight kick in the rear.  One of my other pitfalls is my tendency to be a perfectionist.  I like everything I put my hands on to be done well and mistake-free.  We all know that doesn’t happen.  When I do make a mistake I normally come down hard on myself—much harder than anyone else ever would.  I find the same is true of many people around me.  Maybe you’ve tried hard to live a Christian life and you keep making mistakes and falling back into the same sin.  Maybe you’re attempting to lose weight and you keep falling off the wagon.  Maybe you’re afraid you’ll fall flat on your face so you never try to go after your dreams.  Folks, let’s face it.  We’re going to make mistakes sometimes…….and that’s okay.  Yeah, you heard me……it’s okay.  I’m not condoning sin or someone purposefully making wrong decisions.  I’m talking about simply making mistakes.  We ALL have/will at one time or another.  A mistake shouldn’t DEFINE you.  Your identity should never be found in what you’ve done wrong.  I have always found solace in 1 John 1:9.  It states, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  Did you screw up?  Get over it!  Rather, get back up, dust yourself off, and try again.  You’re going to fall some time.  What you do AFTER the fall/mistake is the true test of your character.

Can I take your order?!?

Drive thru

GUEST BLOGGER, Jennifer Rhodes (my wife), is at it again!  I’m proud to present to you yet another blog she has recently written.  With your encouragement and my harassing I think we’re convincing her to start blogging on a more constant basis 😉  Keep the comments coming!!!  Without any further ado I present it to you…..

Have you ever noticed society is beginning to look like a drive thru.  Everything is so “ME” centered.  Lately, the world around us has given us permission to be self-centered and selfish.  You’re encouraged to consider…..How do I feel?  What makes ME feel good?  How did that affect ME?  We get up in the mornings thinking about how we feel–our physical state, emotions, and life circumstances.  Then we decide to give God directives for our day.  We take a trip through a spiritual drive-thru we’ve created, masking it as prayer, where we perceive God standing at the window asking, “Can I take your order?”  Seems ridiculous, doesn’t it?!?  Growing up, I do not remember people constantly discussing how they ‘felt.’  Though I’m not very old I don’t remember people dwelling on their emotions the way they do today.  Years ago we were encouraged, even demanded, at times to “Get over it!” or “Just move on!”  As a child I remember hearing my dad, on more than one occasion, saying, “Dry it up!” when I would cry over certain issues.  Though it sounds negative and harsh, it taught me to be strong, self- motivated, and learn how to deal with my emotions while moving forward.

A question has recently come to mind……what do my ‘feelings’ look like from God’s perspective?  Think about it, if we focus so much on ourselves all the time, where does faith in God and putting others needs above our own (servanthood) become a part of the way we live our lives?  If we’re being transparent we’re not capable of dealing with most issues that arise unselfishly and without screwing them up.  If we had our way we, most likely, would never deal with any negative issues that arise.  What do we learn from doing everything right all the time?  We would choose to go through life where everything was perfect never learning to lean on an all-powerful God who works all things for our good.  The Bible states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths**This is where we like to stop reading but there’s more!!!**  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.  Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase [**remember this for later**]; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”  [Prov 3:5-10 NKJV]  Truth be told, I do not desire to ‘lean on my own understanding’ because there are times that I feel nothing makes sense.  Consider yet another scripture, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  [Matt 6:26 NIV]

I want to encourage you to do something new as a part of your daily routine.  Instead of waking up complaining because something hurts, concentrating on the business of the day, or worrying how yesterday’s problem will get worse today…..just don’t.  As soon as your eyes open CHOOSE to give God your firstfruits.  NO–this is not a sermon on tithing.  Well– not entirely.  Consider this, what would happen if we gave God the first fruits of our thoughts in the mornings?  God isn’t just looking for 10% of your paycheck.  The Word says, “…the firstfruits (the first, the beginning, the best) of ALL your increase…”  He’s not a man that He should lie.  If we honor Him with our best He WILL supply our needs.  Stop basing everything on your ‘feelings’ and make the choice to place your faith in Him.  He promised it and I believe Him!  Every day I’m learning how to stretch my faith and maximize my spiritual walk in this way.  Will you?

“…going nowhere and gettin’ there fast!”

I am proud to have GUEST BLOGGER Jennifer Rhodes as the author of today’s blog.  I am also blessed to call her my friend, wife, and mother of our beautiful children.  I hope this blog will bless you as it has me.  Leave her a comment and let her know what you think.


For the first time in a long time I believe I have figured out where I am spiritually and, quite possibly, why I’m in this position.  Shocking for someone who has been a Christian over nearly three decades, huh?  In the last few hours I have admitted to myself, spiritually, I’ve been “going nowhere and gettin’ there fast!”  I’ve realized I have become complacent and rather lazy, spiritually speaking.  I have taken on the comfort of simply living, or existing rather, and accepted this attitude and circumstances surrounding it were fine.  Why not just be comfortable? A particular circumstance has recently risen that has challenged my thinking to the core.  Not only did it challenge but it provoked me to work through the emotions that had attached themselves.  Today, thankfully, I find myself feeling very free.  That single situation pushed me to desire fulfillment of my destiny in Him.  It has pushed, or rather forced, me out of my complacency.  It has also made me identify areas in life I have the capacity for but are not challenging enough for me.  In this whirlwind of thoughts and emotions I have decided not to step back rather attempt to step forward into things I otherwise would have never pursued.  The song “Oceans” has really ministered to me lately because it describes where I feel I am currently.  Some of the lyrics describe being led to places that feet could never wander as my faith becomes stronger.  That particular line has become my prayer.  I want to be led into places I could not find for myself — with abandonment and trust in His perfect will for my life.

I also question if God has not allowed me to travel to this dry place to assist me in becoming miserable enough to move forward in Him.  I think about the story of Lot’s wife and how she looked back on what was comfortable on her way to, quite possibly, her destiny.  Until this dry season if God had forced me out of my (chosen) complacency I would have been like Lot’s wife.  I, too, would have found myself looking back and wondering what might have been.  I feel sure Sodom, even with its adversities, brought comfort for this lady simply because it was familiar–possibly even predictable.  It was her home, her norm, despite the fact her spiritual situation was not getting any better.  No doubt she had made a life there and was comfortable.  I question if she looked back because her husband encouraged her to leave those things behind.  Maybe she had not quite made up her mind for herself but loved him enough to go.  Maybe she had to have one more look back at what she had created before she could move forward.  Unfortunately, that one look cost her life.  Scripture tells us, “Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)  I consider this Scripture and context question if it relates to looking back instead of moving full force and whole heartedly into a new season.  I’m curious if God holds off the new spiritual seasons until we are ready to be completely done with the old.  Until we become sick and tired of being sick and tired.  What is your comfortable place….a certain unhealthy relationship, a lukewarm relationship with Christ, a paralyzing fear of stepping out in faith????  I wonder if He isn’t making me sick of the old and complacent to move me into the new…….quite possibly my destiny in Him?  I’m almost there.  Are you?

**If you haven’t already done so take the time to listen to the link above.  I’m sure it will bless you!**



What was I thinking?  Craziness!!!  Just—craziness!!!  I’m still not sure what came over me but the C.D.O. urges (the proper alphabetical ordering for those of us accused of being O.C.D.—Obsessive Compulsive—some of you will get that later, LOL!) were more than I could bear at the time.  I boldly went where no man has gone before!  I………..cleaned out our refrigerator.  I have to admit I was quite embarrassed by a few things I found.  You don’t PLAN for things to get so dirty but it happens.  Over time we become blind to things.  For example–there’s the 8 year old bottle of dressing [hanging my head in shame–in my defense it looked the same as it did when we opened it].  There’s the random covered container you haven’t been able to see WAYYYYYY in the back.  You can see through the top and realize it has grown hair as long as Crystal Gayle (some of you may have to google her—no shame, LOL!).  Just throw it away—DON’T open it.  Don’t forget about the bottle of steak sauce you can’t bring yourself to throw away because it will has a LITTLE bit of sauce at the bottom.  It’s amazing the things we tend to justify.  Excuses develop—I’ll get it tomorrow….… maybe it’s not as old as I think it is……maybe someone else will do it.

Sadly, we tend to be the same way about our personal beliefs and opinions.  We carry around this bag of often misguided though well-meaning and (sometimes) legalistic beliefs we attempt to convince ourselves are the only correct way to live.  When was the last time you cleaned out your spiritual refrigerator?  Seems kind of weird but stay with me.  From childhood we develop a belief system based on our personal upbringing and environment.  Our beliefs tend to be the place from which we make decisions, form opinions, and more.  Every few years I find myself questioning WHY I believe WHAT I believe.  Do I doubt Christianity?  Absolutely not.  But I do question the teaching of those I allow myself to sit under and, even more importantly, my own belief system.  It’s one thing to be taught right from wrong.  But there comes a time when we simply have to stand back and question WHY we believe WHAT we believe –THEN search out the answers for ourselves.  Portions of the Bible can be left to interpretation.  But there are certain parts that stand as absolutes (i.e. the Ten Commandments).  It’s that grey area that tends to bring us the most problems.  Too often we allow the world to dictate how we, as the Church, will believe.  Just because the Bible doesn’t specifically state something is wrong doesn’t mean it’s right or permissible.  One of those grey area decisions can snowball and leave you addicted and messed up.  We have to search for ourselves.  We have to pray for the Holy Spirit to help us discern what is good and what is not.  It’s not enough to simply have an opinion or belief.  We must question WHY we hold certain beliefs?  What are you basing it on?  What does the word of God say?  What has the Holy Spirit revealed to YOU?  You can’t expect to be able to minister to the lost if you’re not even sure what YOU believe.  It would be nice but we can’t ride Grandpa or Grandma’s coat tail to heaven.  “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” [1 Cor. 13:11]  Time to step up and be the man/woman of God He is calling you to be.  Once in a while you have to clean out your spiritual refrigerator.  You might be surprised what you find lurking in there.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15

**If you have a few extra minutes scroll down to my prior post titled “Blessed to be a blessing.”  There you’ll find a link to an article I had published that talks a little about our infertility journey.  If you know someone who struggles with this issue, please encourage them to either read this article or find a place where they can begin to receive counseling or healing from this hurt.  God always has a perfect plan!!!**

Blessed to be a blessing

I’ve had a few articles that have made their way to publication lately and I couldn’t be more excited.  Not necessarily for any type of recognition but that God would see fit to use my imperfection, screw ups, and testimonies to minister to someone else who may be going through the same issues.  If one article or blog can be used to help someone navigate through their own personal hurt and/or struggle I feel it has all been worth it.  Below is a link to the Bethany Christian Services website.  They offer a publication for those dealing with infertility and loss.  Below, you will find the link to it.  Please share it with anyone who may be experiencing these issues.  The slightest glimmer of hope can give someone who is struggling the strength to push forward in the face of adversity.  God bless you all!!!


If I had just one more chance……….


We’ve all been there.  Sitting silently with that feeling of defeat.  God, couldn’t you have given me ONE more chance…….just a FEW more minutes?!?!?  So say something…..ANYTHING?!?  The feelings of regret can be so overwhelming.  Wave after wave threatens to pull you under and nearly drown you.  If I had just one more chance to tell them I loved them.  If I had just one more chance to say how sorry I was for hurting them.  If I had just one more chance to talk to them about God.  If I had just one more chance to………  Nope.  Time is up.  You would think by now we would have learned our lesson but history tends to repeat itself.  Who was it for you?  A close friend?  Family member?  You know who I’m talking about.  The one who was taken too soon from your life.  Maybe someone was killed in a tragic car accident.  Maybe someone chose to end their life.  Maybe you lost someone because of a terminal illness.  Whatever the cause, someone you loved was taken too soon.

Today’s blog has found me feeling somewhat nostalgic.  Remembering loved ones I’ve lost too soon and, sadly, others I might soon be losing.  While my flesh says, I wish I could have one more chance to say my spirit man poses an even more important questions.  Am I ready should my time come?  Are YOU ready should God take you right now?  Just as important, are my/your family and friends ready to stand before their Maker?  These are some of the most important question we will ever answer.  What are we doing to lead others to an all-sufficient, loving, forgiving God?  It’s natural to desire just “one more time” with that loved one but what are we doing with the time we have right now?  Who is that person we should have gone to ask or grant forgiveness to so long ago?  Who is that person you’ve been putting off visiting for so long?  Who do you need to call to say, “I just called to let you know I was thinking about you and love you.”  Who do you need to contact to say, “Let me introduce you to a friend that sticks closer than a brother”?  Hebrews 9:27 reminds us, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”  Death isn’t the part to be feared.  If we are not ready, judgment is what we have need of worrying about.  There’s hope today.  Truly, He is our ONLY hope.  It’s natural to feel loss, emptiness, and void.  Thankfully there is One who can fill every void if we let him.  I pose two final questions, though I already know the answer to both—Do you/I have unfinished business?  What are you (we) waiting for?  Don’t leave something unsaid.  Don’t put things off any longer.  Stop hesitating to make that visit.  Someone needs the God in you today.

You’ll have to excuse me for a little while.  I have phone calls and visits to make.

He jumped!

Jump pic

He jumped!  No warning.  No time to think.  I barely had any time to respond.  It happened so unexpectedly and honestly, it left me feeling fearful.  I simply reacted.  Thankfully, I caught him.  Yet again, my fearless son took a flying leap, this time from the dining room table.  Yes, the table (don’t judge-he’s short and my back hurt that day-it was easier to reach him that way).  I had placed him up there to adjust his shoes and clothing before we left for church.  I asked him seconds later, “Are you ready to go?”  His response was both verbal and physical…. “YEAH!”…. as he jumped.  I totally wasn’t expecting it but thankfully I caught him preventing a possible trip to the emergency room for a broken bone.  Isn’t that just like children?  They act first and think later.  The amount of trust they place in parents is humbling and mind-boggling, to say the least.  I genuinely dread the day either of my kids realize I’m not the superhero they think I am.  Unfortunately I can’t fix everything that breaks (actually very few things), I’m not superman with super human strength, nor can I make all hurts feel better.  I am human.  I am totally limited in my abilities.  I can offer a shoulder to cry on though I have a list of restrictions and inabilities.

When was the last time YOU jumped?  Really, jumped…….specifically, into the arms of God?  As children we are so carefree and fearless.  This ability to so carefree comes from our ignorance of the world around us.  We are unaware of the injustices and pain others are experiencing.  As we age we become increasingly aware of pain we never knew existed.  Over time we become callous.  We stop trusting.  We stop stepping out on blind faith.  We interact with people at arms-length out of fear we will be wronged in some way.  The hardships we encounter begin affecting our relationships with those around us, including our Heavenly Father.  Again, I ask when was the last time you REALLY took a leap of faith and jumped into His arms.  You may have been wronged by your mate or best friend.  You may have been hurt by one or both of your parents.  Your heart may have been torn to shreds beyond human recognition– but there is One who will never leave nor forsake you. {Deut 31:6}    There is One who, “sticks closer than a brother. {Prov. 18:24}  There is One who says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” {Jer. 29:11}  The world may will hurt you.  Those closest to you may hurt you.  But He never will.  Spread his love, mercy, and grace today to others you see hurting.  The world needs the God in you!!!

3 lessons God taught me on ‘Snow Days’….


It’s my favorite day of the year!!  It’s a snow day!!  As a child (and even now as an adult) I would beg God to send us snow every winter.  It only seemed natural for it to accompany colder temperatures.  What made snow days so magical?  The obvious, of course, those beautiful flakes that we only get to see a few times a year.  Next, there’s unplanned hibernation in the form of school closings and businesses shutting down.  For me, I simply found it was a momentary escape from reality.  Through the snow days I’ve experienced over the years I’m reminded of three valuable lessons I wanted to share.

  1. Sometimes you need a day off. The Bible says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” [Ex. 20:8]. Here’s one I believe a lot of people get it partially wrong. Many equate the “Sabbath” as Sunday, or that day you attend worship services. While this is one of the meanings, a Sabbath is also considered a day of rest. God understood the importance of a day of rest thus the commandment above was given.  Even God took a day off after creating the world. It’s the same in our daily lives. It’s imperative we set aside ‘snow days’ or ‘Sabbath’s’ to get our heads straight—ESPECIALLY those who are in the ministry because……………this leads me to lesson #2……..
  2. Things are never as bad as they seem. As a child, and later as a teenager, this was the time of the year everyone was preparing for end-of-the-year testing, students are attempting to bring up grades that had plummeted, and more. In short, it’s a stressful for everyone-teachers included. As an adult and music pastor my stress comes in the form of gearing up for our annual Easter service.  After all, it is one of the two biggest services we have all year. These little snow days always allow(ed) me to step back from the daily grind and breathe for a minute. When I returned to school or work I normally did so refreshed, with a new perspective, and ready to finish strong. The same is true now. I find we tend to attempt to carry burdens, stresses, and worries that are not ours to carry. Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” [Matthew 11:28-30] In the words of our latest Disney character, Queen Elsa, “Let it go….let it go…..” *You’ll be singing that the rest of the day. You’re welcome!*
  3. God’s always waiting with a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. I know, it sounds weird and somewhat comical. But hear me out. As a child I had a tendency to get in trouble on snow days. I was stuck at home, going a little stir crazy, and always ended up getting into mischief with my little brother. I remember placing prank calls, fighting (only with my brother, of course), getting myself into compromising situations, and more. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. You end up in predicaments you never intended being in. It’s okay. God’s word says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” [1 Cor. 10:13] There’s always a way of escape! It may not be comfortable or popular but there’s always a back door. Find it and RUN!!!!

I have more but I should probably go now.   My daughter will soon be singing, “Do you want to build a snowman……”  (As you can tell, I’ve been subjected to that movie a little more than any sane person should, LOL!)  What lessons did YOU learn on snow days??

I cheated.

Blog Pic

I’m extremely embarrassed.  It wasn’t something I ever intended to do but, like I’ve heard many before me say, it just happened.  Things started off innocently enough.  In the beginning I had no intentions of taking things are far as they went but, before I knew it I had, well, cheated.  The shame I carry feels unbearable at times.  How did I let it happen, again?  Yes, you read that correctly.  It’s not the first time it has happened.  After the last time I vowed it wouldn’t happen again but…..it did.  I have no excuse.  I’m an adult.  I know right from wrong.  Even worse, I’m a minister.  I’ve studied the word of God and realize He always provides a way of escape….but I didn’t take it.  I did it again.  I cheated.  On God.

Maybe some of you are breathing a sigh of relief because you thought I was referring to my wife.  It’s worse than cheating on my wife.  I cheated on God, again.  I’m embarrassed.  One of His commandments specifically states, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” [Deut 5:7]  I didn’t mean to but…I put something else before my relationship with Him.  I chose to make something else my priority.  Don’t judge me!  You’ve done it too!  Maybe it was a relationship.  A television program.  The activities your children are involved in.  Seems simple and unimportant but it’s NOT.  ANYTHING you put before your time with God makes you a cheater.  It starts off innocently enough.   You enroll your child in an activity and, before you know it, the group starts planning activities on Sunday.  Two months have passed and you haven’t darkened the doors of the church.  Or maybe you bought a camper, beach house, or boat.  You work hard so you deserve to do something for yourself.  In the beginning you vowed it wouldn’t take you away from your relationship with God–but it did.  You chose to feed the flesh rather than your spirit man.  Don’t get me wrong, going to church will NOT get you in to heaven.  But if you begin choosing other things ahead of your relationship with God you’ve become a cheater.  There are no substitutes when it comes to maintaining a thriving relationship with God.  As it is with your mate, the more time you spend with them the stronger the level of intimacy.  Great things are born from those intimate moments.  Don’t downplay it and shrug this blog off.  It’s quite possibly a warning.  We don’t like to admit it, but the more times we do it, the less guilty we feel.  Making God a priority is important.  What’s YOUR priority today?

Are you a cheater?

Inspirational lessons from my life