…the walking dead.

In recent months we have witnessed the decline of America at an alarming rate. My soul is grieving at the direction society seems to be traveling.  My heart and mind are working feverishly to block it all out but, if I’m being honest, the noise keeps getting louder and louder.  Things that were once wrong are now permissible.  In the past we were encouraged to stand up for what we believed in.  Now it’s only okay to do so if it serves a larger agenda.  Rather than fighting for our marriages, we give up and move on.  Rather than teaching our children Godly principles, we teach them their fleshly desires are more important.  Pouring out love and mercy has been replaced with a pat on the back and sending someone on their way without mentioning His name.  Rather than take responsibility for our actions we blame it on ‘affluenza’ or the actions of others against us.  It’s always someone else’s fault.  The current rhetoric being spewed and used against Christian’s is one of acceptance regardless of our biblically held beliefs.  Apparently those beliefs we hold so dear are not as important as those with a reprobate mindset.  The saddest part is Christians have become the walking dead—and not in a “crucified with Christ” kind of way.

This life is not about our personally held beliefs and judgment of others. Rather, our goal should be to study God’s word in the context it was written and live a life above reproach.  His word and the truth’s inside never change!  This life is less about attempting to find out what we can get from others and more about giving ourselves away to be used for kingdom purposes.  We’re being lulled to sleep and, sadly, many of us are none the wiser.  There comes a time when we must suit up and fight.  But here’s the kicker-we, as Christians, don’t fight battles with our fists or with weapons.  We don’t involve ourselves in political propaganda assuming that will change things.  We don’t even need to build a pulpit in the middle of our cities and began preaching to all who pass by.  The most powerful thing we Christians can do is get on our knees, bow our heads, and cry out to a loving Father who has been waiting to hear our voice for a long time.  We suit up for war by crying out to the ONLY One who can change this messed up world.  This war we fight has never been against flesh and blood.  Our goal should be to be more like Jesus, not striving necessarily for political correctness.  As a friend recently said, “The word [of God] is offensive!”  We must be unapologetic for that fact.  “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” [Eph. 5:14]

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Allowing the sin that surrounds us to go unchecked is just as bad as condoning it.  It’s time for this generation to experience a spiritual awakening.  Will you be a part of it?  Are you ready to fight–on your knees?

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