Why did I do this?!?

So I did something really ignorant this morning. Shocker, huh?!?  As I rolled into my driveway I checked the clock on my dashboard, did some quick math in my head, and realized I had time to cut the grass before going to work.  Five minutes later I was chugging along as fast as my riding mower would take me as I mentally marked one thing off of my massive weekly ‘To-do’ list.  As I attempted to concentrate on the front yard I noticed the roof of our house.  I had watched for months as pine needles had been collecting and dominating our roof in two specific sections.  I checked the time again and realized I might have time to clean those sections of the roof if I hurried.  Out came the ladder.  [Side note: I hate heights.  If I’m securely behind railing or something secure I’m okay.  We all know there aren’t railings on a roof] When I finally get on top of my house I begin envisioning how wrong things could really go.  Ignorantly, I push forward with my heart beating out of my chest all the while ignoring that voice in my head.  I went about cleaning as quickly but as safely as I could.  Then it was time to get down.  I place my foot on the ladder and it shifts.  WHOA!  I try again.  Same response from the ladder.  Stupid, Brian!  STUPID!  I begin audibly questioning, “Why did I do this?!?”  A quick prayer, “Lord-If you’ll get me down I’ll never do this again!  Please, Lord!”  Then I catch a glimmer of hope.  My next door neighbor-who is normally at work by this time of the morning-is out in his front yard.  “HEY! (attempting to be louder than his leaf blower)  Can you come hold this ladder so I can get down?”  “Sure!” he responds.  Folks, I’ve never been so happy to see a living soul in my life.  Three minutes later I was on the ground quoting Philippians 1:3 him.  I wanted to hug him-but I didn’t think he’d appreciate that.

Have you ever gotten yourself into a quandary? You know-those situations that we ignorantly walk into that, while hoping for the best, we already know things will turn out unfavorably.  We’ve all done it.  Attempting to be Superman and get on top of my roof with no one there if I needed help was, well, not my finest moment (P.S.-pray for me.  No doubt my wife will kill me when she reads this.).  But God, being our Father, always provides help in our time of need.  “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” [1 Corin. 10:13]  Scripture doesn’t say we won’t have to deal with the consequences of our actions— but it reminds us He will ALWAYS provide a back door.  Even when we’re not looking out for ourselves, He’s looking out for us.  That’s the kind of Father He is.  Maybe we will learn our lesson one day.  As for me, don’t ask me to help you do any roofing work.  Those days are over.  Lesson learned!

Closing thoughts and encouragement: That ‘voice’ is there for a reason.  It’s the Holy Spirit.  He will always warn us of pending danger………if we will listen.  We should never get so full of ourselves that we think we’re invincible.  “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”  Prov 16:8  We could avoid a lot of trouble if we would just listen the first time.  Have a blessed week, my friends!!!!

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